Week 5: Reproducibility of Script-Based Workflows

This past week was spent exclusively on solving some issues related to missing facts due to the mismatch between the annotation in view rules and in script. Additionally, I focused on adding the missing outputs and changing some block names in YW workflow for LIGO. After modifying rules in represent facts, the main task was to work on discovering the dependency of input and output using recursive query in Prolog which is inspired by existing YW-NW queries.

The second task is to spend time on reading the Science article that talks about Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) guidelines and discuss some research ideas for an advanced “provenance analyzer” such as using possible worlds (PWs) semantics to describe and query all situations that are consistent with the given set of observations  and apply the use of Allen’s Interval Algebra (cf. RCC-5) and ASP in provenance analyzer.

Next week’s task will include some challenging queries such as computing the LCA of two output nodes, as well as comparing the SQL query vs Prolog query for the information discovery.

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