For this week, I did several things.
First, I exported the latest SE software into a common package using Eclipse and released it here: At the meantime, I re-edit the tutorial and update the installation part. By doing all those, users can download the software and learn to use it, which gives us the chance to do the usability test and evaluation. So we can improve SE in future.
Then, I solved the problem that remained last week. I installed and configured UV-CDAT again. This time, it worked. The main problem is the latest version of UV-CDAT does’t work well under OS X 10.9.
What’s more, I tried to pre-process the data. To use SE, we need to do some data pre-processing and push it into SE. The data pre-processing code was written by Jorge in Python. I just copied it, then compiled and debugged in the new environment. And I tried to add additional data into SE.
Finally, I got familiar with the java code and MsTMIP.
Next week, I’ll get started to code and improve the usability of SE.