There was a deadline extension for the conference call for workshops that we hope to submit the Metadata Environment Annotator work to, and so we have been working on polishing the functionality of the tool.
Now that the broswer interface can get a lot of the necessary information for RDF conversion from the user, I’m working on doing the client-side handling of those conversions in order to pass it back to the server. On the server, the CSV2RDF tool needs a .ttl file that essentially specifies how the RDF triples should be formed from each column of the CSV file, and so forth. When the user makes the various assignments, the page stores this information, and I will be working on taking the information from the annotator page and parsing it out and handing it off to the server.
On top of that, I am touching up the paper submission as well. I’ll be putting in some extra time this weekend, to make up for what I missed while I was moving. It’s been stressful, but also exciting to see things coming together!