{"id":1866,"date":"2013-10-22T14:01:19","date_gmt":"2013-10-22T14:01:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/notebooks.dataone.org\/?p=1866"},"modified":"2013-10-22T14:08:31","modified_gmt":"2013-10-22T14:08:31","slug":"designing-a-systematic-review-assessing-prevalence-of-open-science-data-sharing","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/notebooks.dataone.org\/data-science\/designing-a-systematic-review-assessing-prevalence-of-open-science-data-sharing\/","title":{"rendered":"Designing a Systematic Review Assessing Prevalence of Open Science Data Sharing"},"content":{"rendered":"
In a previous post<\/a> I realized the need to do a systematic review of literature to determine prevalence of the use of figshare, both in terms of citation and in terms of actual studies of an open science platform such as figshare.<\/p>\n To start with, I need to determine what databases are available to me to design the systematic review.<\/p>\n I’ll start at:\u00a0http:\/\/www.lib.utk.edu\/databases\/<\/a><\/p>\n Datasets<\/p>\n Some databases used at EIMI<\/a> included:<\/p>\n Scopus<\/p>\n http:\/\/www.scopus.com\/<\/a><\/p>\n 50 million records | 21,000 titles | 5,000 publishers<\/b><\/p>\n Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. Scopus delivers the most comprehensive overview of the world’s research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences and Arts & Humanities. As research becomes increasingly global, interdisciplinary and collaborative, you can make sure that critical research from around the world is not missed.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n Web of Science<\/p>\n http:\/\/thomsonreuters.com\/web-of-science\/<\/a><\/p>\n Web of Science\u00ae provides researchers, administrators, faculty, and students with quick, powerful access to the world’s leading citation databases. Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers over 12,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and over 150,000 conference proceedings. You’ll find current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage to 1900.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n Overcome information overload and focus on essential data across more than 250 disciplines.<\/p>\n Science Direct<\/p>\n http:\/\/www.sciencedirect.com\/<\/a><\/p>\n is a leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 journals and almost 20,000 books.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n Databases I have access to include:<\/p>\n ProQuest<\/p>\n http:\/\/search.proquest.com\/<\/a><\/p>\n Proguest – I will try later<\/p>\n Search Term:<\/p>\n Figshare only:<\/p>\n Science Direct<\/strong><\/p>\n 19 articles for ALL(figshare)<\/p>\n Scopus<\/strong>:<\/p>\n 3 document results<\/p>\n Web of Knoweldge<\/strong> – unable to access off-campus<\/p>\n http:\/\/dx.doi.org\/10.6084\/m9<\/b>.figshare<\/b><\/p>\n Science Direct<\/strong><\/p>\n 1 page of results, 9 articles<\/p>\n 0 articles searching scopus for http:\/\/dx.doi.org\/10.6084 (which makes sense as this indexes abstracts, not full text.\u00a0 For assessing citations mentioning figshare, I think I need to use only full test databases.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Title and Abstract is OK for other purposes.<\/p>\n Just not for citations.<\/p>\n http:\/\/www.scopus.com.proxy.lib.utk.edu:90\/results\/results.url?sort=plf-f&src=s&st1=http%3a%2f%2fdx.doi.org%2f10.6084&sid=3C9186660864EE246EEE1690044CACE4.aXczxbyuHHiXgaIW6Ho7g%3a110&sot=q&sdt=b&sl=45&s=TITLE-ABS-KEY-AUTH%28http%3a%2f%2fdx.doi.org%2f10.6084%29&origin=resultslist&txGid=3C9186660864EE246EEE1690044CACE4.aXczxbyuHHiXgaIW6Ho7g%3a11<\/p>\n Switch to UTK library listing of databases<\/p>\n Databases:<\/strong><\/p>\n Sciences: Biology<\/strong><\/p>\n http:\/\/www.lib.utk.edu\/cgi-bin\/dbBroker.cgi?subheading=12<\/p>\n Sciences: Geological Sciences and the Environment<\/strong><\/p>\n http:\/\/www.lib.utk.edu\/cgi-bin\/dbBroker.cgi?subheading=13<\/p>\n Sciences: Geography<\/strong><\/p>\n http:\/\/www.lib.utk.edu\/cgi-bin\/dbBroker.cgi?subheading=49<\/p>\n Social Sciences: Library & Information Sciences<\/strong><\/p>\n http:\/\/www.lib.utk.edu\/cgi-bin\/dbBroker.cgi?subheading=51<\/p>\n Sciences: Mathematics & Computer Sciences<\/strong><\/p>\n http:\/\/www.lib.utk.edu\/cgi-bin\/dbBroker.cgi?subheading=16<\/p>\n Web Of Science<\/strong><\/p>\n http:\/\/apps.webofknowledge.com.proxy.lib.utk.edu:90\/WOS_GeneralSearch_input.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&SID=2DqVUpmnAwULr26V95x&preferencesSaved=<\/p>\n 1 article<\/p>\n dx.doi.org\/10.6084<\/p>\n no records<\/p>\n PubMed<\/strong><\/p>\n http:\/\/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov\/pubmed?dr=citation&otool=utklib<\/p>\n st: figshare<\/p>\n 2 articles<\/p>\n st: dx.doi.org\/10.6084<\/p>\n no articles<\/p>\n ISI Web of Knowledge<\/p>\n http:\/\/admin-apps.webofknowledge.com.proxy.lib.utk.edu:90\/JCR\/JCR?PointOfEntry=Home&SID=2DqVUpmnAwULr26V95x<\/p>\n JCR Science Edition<\/p>\n Select All Categories<\/p>\n I don’ think journal citation reports is useful for this, although it might be useful for understanding types of journals where authors using figshare are cited.<\/p>\n Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide<\/p>\n http:\/\/web.ebscohost.com.proxy.lib.utk.edu:90\/ehost\/search\/advanced?sid=de14f379-df2e-4e8c-86e1-2522692ec77e%40sessionmgr114&vid=3&hid=127<\/p>\n figshare<\/p>\n TX all text<\/p>\n no results<\/p>\n default select a field- no results<\/p>\n http:\/\/support.ebscohost.com.proxy.lib.utk.edu:90\/<\/p>\n figshare – 0 results<\/p>\n Wouldn’t “figshare” and dx.doi with figshare in it return the same results\/<\/p>\n Science Direct<\/p>\n http:\/\/www.sciencedirect.com.proxy.lib.utk.edu:90\/science?_ob=ArticleListURL&_method=list&_ArticleListID=-398243116&_sort=r&_st=13&view=c&_acct=C000019958&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=422010&md5=0e1d45a3b9bd4ac595d9b86412d9fe63&searchtype=a<\/p>\n figshare<\/p>\n 19 articles<\/p>\n “10.6084”<\/p>\n 40 articles<\/p>\n Searching within this for “dx.doi.org\/10.6084” yields 9 articles.<\/p>\n 9<\/b> articles found for: ALL(“10.6084”<\/b>) and dx.doi.org\/10.6084<\/p>\n Weird.<\/p>\n “dx.doi.org\/10.6084”<\/p>\n yields 8 articles.<\/p>\n All are from 2013.<\/p>\n In the references, this is how one resource shows up:<\/p>\n D. de Rigo, Software Uncertainty in Integrated Environmental Modelling: the role of Semantics and Open Science. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 15, 13292+ (2013). doi: 10.6084\/m9.figshare.155701.<\/p>\n In Science Direct it’s possible to preview the references so wit 40 I might just try the 10.6084 in quotes and look for that in the references.<\/p>\n I exported all citations with abstracts – science.ris – 58.9 KB<\/p>\n D. Rodriguez Aseretto, M. Di Leo, D. de Rigo, P. Corti, D. McInerney, A. Camia, J. San-Miguel-Ayanz, Free and Open Source Software underpinning the European Forest Data Centre. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 15, 12101+ (2013). doi: 10.6084\/m9.figshare.155700.<\/p>\n D. de Rigo, Software Uncertainty in Integrated Environmental Modelling: the role of Semantics and Open Science. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 15, 13292+ (2013). doi: 10.6084\/m9.figshare.155701.<\/p>\n P. Corti, J. San-Miguel-Ayanz, A. Camia, D. McInerney, R. Boca, M. Di Leo, Fire news management in the context of the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS). In proceedings of Quinta conferenza italiana sul software geografico e sui dati geografici liberi (GFOSS DAY 2012) (2012). doi: 10.6084\/m9.figshare.101918.<\/p>\n NOTE<\/p>\n I’d like to go through this systematically so I “opened all preview” and will click “references” for the first tab. (note – some have “figures \/ tables” tab in addition to abstract and references, so I will look at that after looking at references.<\/p>\n An example of where this would not work is “6084<\/b>. An underground remotely controlled cryopump vacuum system utilizing 460-m long helium gas lines: V P Karpenko et al, J Vac Sci Technol<\/i>, A3, 1985, 1690\u20131694<\/b><\/a>“<\/b><\/p>\n the search picked up “6084” rather than figshare.<\/b><\/p>\n ITEM 2<\/p>\n Item 3<\/p>\n Item 4<\/p>\n not found (no reference to figshare found)<\/p>\n Item 5<\/p>\n Item 6<\/p>\n Item 8<\/p>\n Item 10 –<\/p>\n none found (obviously since it’s from 2008).<\/p>\n Skip item 11<\/p>\n Item 12<\/p>\n None found in references tab<\/p>\n none found in figures\/tables tab<\/p>\n Item 13<\/p>\n none found<\/p>\n Skip Item 14 (1986)<\/p>\n Item 15<\/p>\n None found in references tab<\/p>\n none found in figures \/tables tab<\/p>\n Skip Item 17 ( 1992)<\/p>\n Skip Item 18 ( 1996)<\/p>\n Skip Item 19 ( 2003)<\/p>\n Skip Item 20 ( 1998)<\/p>\n Item 21<\/p>\n none found in references tab<\/p>\n none found in figures\/tables<\/p>\n Skip Item 22 (1996)<\/p>\n Skip Item 23 (1996)<\/p>\n Skip Item 24 (1998)<\/p>\n Item 25<\/p>\n none found in references tab<\/p>\n none found in figures\/tables tab<\/p>\n Skip Item 26 (2003)<\/p>\n Skip Item 27 (2003)<\/p>\n (You know, I just realized I can filter by year – so I should have filtered to 2013, 2012 and 2011 where there are 16 articles out of 40.)<\/p>\n I just did that.<\/p>\n Also there are only 19 articles for just plain “figshare.”<\/p>\n So that’s only 3 more to look at than the total.\u00a0 I’m going to export this and look at it later.<\/p>\n Citations and abstracts exported as science-1.ris<\/p>\n GeoScience World:<\/p>\n 1 article<\/p>\n gravity gradient inversion by planting anomalous densities: Figshare, http:\/\/hdl.handle.net\/10779\/2f26602b43f73723987b8d04946bfa41…anomalous densities by L. Uieda and V. C. F. Barbosa: Figshare, http:\/\/hdl.handle.net\/10779\/cbfb817e4cc9ac3cf54bee7c649de1d3.<\/p>\n This geoscience example is interesting because I see the normal “figshare” URL has been replaced with a hdl.handle.net.<\/p>\n So, this would not work for a search on 10.6084.<\/p>\n Proquest<\/strong><\/p>\n figshare<\/p>\n encountered error<\/p>\n EbscoHost<\/strong><\/p>\n figshare<\/p>\n no results<\/p>\n Ebscohost<\/strong><\/p>\n Library & Information Science Source<\/strong><\/p>\n http:\/\/web.ebscohost.com.proxy.lib.utk.edu:90\/ehost\/search\/advanced?sid=5a65d839-676c-4870-9827-f9d03d6b1fbc%40sessionmgr112&vid=1&hid=127<\/p>\n 5 results<\/p>\n http:\/\/proxy.lib.utk.edu:90\/login?url=http:\/\/search.ebscohost.com\/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lls&bquery=figshare&type=1&scope=site<\/p>\n Gale Academic One File<\/strong><\/p>\n No results<\/p>\n Wiley Online Library<\/strong><\/p>\n http:\/\/onlinelibrary.wiley.com.proxy.lib.utk.edu:90\/<\/p>\n 15 results<\/p>\n Exported Citation<\/p>\n Reference Manager Format<\/p>\n <\/p>\n <\/p>\n Citations.ris (4.36 pm)<\/p>\n All of these are from 2013.<\/p>\n ACM digital library<\/p>\n http:\/\/dl.acm.org.proxy.lib.utk.edu:90\/dl.cfm<\/p>\n 5 results – four from 2013 and one from 2012<\/p>\n ArXiv.org<\/strong><\/p>\n 3 results<\/p>\n ProQuest Dissertations and Theses<\/strong><\/p>\n unable to access at present time. will revisit later.<\/p>\n IEEEXplore<\/strong><\/p>\n no results found<\/p>\n I would like to see if there is a way to limit the search to known “data journals” such as Wiley’s Geoscience Data Journal<\/a>.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" In a previous post I realized the need to do a systematic review of literature to determine prevalence of the use of figshare, both in terms of citation and in terms of actual studies of an open science platform such as figshare. To start with, I need to determine what Continue reading Designing a Systematic Review Assessing Prevalence of Open Science Data Sharing<\/span>\n
PDF (528 K)<\/a> | View Record in Scopus<\/a><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n